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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery

Sport at Cranham

P.E. at Cranham is about developing competence in a broad range of physical activities which will equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and motivation to live a healthy and active life. Our curriculum begins in the Early Years and KS1 with fundamental movement skills (running, jumping, skipping, hopping, throwing and catching) needed to be successful in a variety of sports. By KS2 pupils further develop these skills by applying them to different game situations and activities, particularly invasion games.

PE at Cranham


Cranham has a busy after school enrichment programme with activities every day! We employ an outside agency - Delta Sports - to enable children to access a broad range of after school clubs from archery to Aussi rules football.


Through the Droitwich and Worcester City School Games programme children at Cranham are lucky enough to participate in a variety of external initiatives such as Bocca, Inclusion festivals and Tri golf. These extra enrichment activities are very often linked to local high schools and The University of Worcester.






All of our youngest children (EYFS) participate in our Balance-ability programme, the accredited Foundation Stage ‘Learn to Cycle’ for Reception and Year One children. This is run each year using our Sports Premium Grant. We teach our 4 year-olds how to ride whilst developing their physical literacy skills with our fab fleet of balance & first pedal bikes from Open Trail, our balance-ability providers! They’ll hop, jump and skip their way to earning their pedals with a healthy addiction to regular exercise.



Building on this, our Year 5 pupils then access 'bike-ability' to ensure that they can maintain their own bikes and ensure that they are safe on the roads. 



Pupils start swimming lessons, with professional instructors, in Year 3. They then have further swimming coaching in Year 5.

Football at Cranham

We have an established football team who train each Monday after school and love to compete in tournaments and against other local schools. We have also, over the last two years, been developing a girls football team and now have up to 20 ladies involved! They train each Tuesday evening after school. We all know how popular football is so not only do we have these two clubs running but we also run a mixed football after school club on a Friday!


Sport Relief

We love to celebrate Sport's Relief and all members of staff get involved!