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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery
To develop and apply the computational knowledge and methods to understand how digital systems and programming work, and to become responsible and confident users in a digital world.
There are six key elements of learning that drive our curriculum. These elements are key attributes and skills: knowledge, equality, innovation, legacy, partnership and sustainability. With an appreciation of the UN sustainable development goals, children will learn how technology can be a positive force for good in an uncertain future; how computing, when applied with problem-solving and creativity, can aid our passage through the modern world. During lessons and through our ‘Business with Barnett’, we share job opportunities that link to computing so that children have high aspirations and a purpose for their learning.
The Computing National Curriculum states that schools need to provide a high-quality computing education that equips children with computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. This ideology is replicated here at Cranham Primary School. The aim of the Cranham Computing Curriculum is to engage children with technology to help them to understand the world around them. In the fast-paced world in which we live, it is important that we equip children with the skills to explore their environment and to understand how things work. With a logical appreciation of how we live, children will be prepared for the advances in technology which will shape our future, and the ability to make judgements that aid a practical and fulfilling life.
Through their time at Cranham, the children will build the foundations behind the abstract concepts which underpin our modern world and apply technology to explain and evaluate these concepts, learning how to use technology safely and exploring the implications of online life. The computing curriculum is carefully planned and structured around substantive concepts so that a coherent curriculum is delivered, ensuring the children make links with prior learning from previous years.
It is an ambitious curriculum that motivates children, raises aspirations and broadens children’s horizons.