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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery

Breakfast Club and After School Wraparound

Cranham Primary School Breakfast Club


We have been running a breakfast club for around 10 years as a way of helping working parents with early morning childcare.

The club starts at 7:30 each morning and finishes when school begins.

At breakfast club, children are offered a good choice of food and there are lots of activities to keep them busy.

We accept pupils as young as Reception age, if we feel they are ready for such a long day, without it causing them undue distress.

Breakfast Club is brilliantly run by Mrs Kelly and Mrs Birt.

We currently charge only £2.50 per day which is payable using ParentPay. 


If you wish to use our breakfast club please book your space via ParentPay and complete the consent form listing any possible allergies (this can be obtained from the office).


Breakfast Club entry is the door located to the left of Cranberries Nursery (Worcester Early Years Language Centre) and you can ring the bell any time from 7:30am. 

Last entry will be at 8:15am. 

Cranham Primary After School Club


Our After School Club runs daily from 3:05pm to 6:00pm. It provides children with the opportunity to socialise with others from all year groups in a fun and friendly environment, which in turn promotes their learning and development.

Our club ensures that children have access to high quality, affordable and reliable childcare that fits in with normal working hours.


The After School Club is run by teaching assistants, who your children will know well.

Parents have the option to choose Childcare that best suits their needs. The options available are listed below:


  • After school care, 3:05pm - 5:00pm. This includes a healthy snack and drink. The total cost of this is £6.00 per session.
  • After school care, 3:05pm - 6:00pm. This includes a healthy snack and drink as well as a light tea. The total cost of this is £9.00 per session.


These sessions times are set for staffing and cost reasons, although you may choose to pick your child up early before the end of the session you will still be charged the full amount.


We offer activities, games, toys and arts and crafts. We also provide a homework corner and Friday film nights. 


If you would like to book a place, please contact our school office and fill in our registration form.