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Cranham Primary School home

Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery


School Advocates:

We are very lucky to have the following people be our school advocates:


Mrs Rachel Higgins (Headteacher Link Member - from September 2024)

Rachel is a Worcester Primary School Headteacher with many years of experience.


Mr Dave Rachel  (Community Member)

Dave is a parent of one of our pupils and works within the business sector.


Mrs Kate Zimowicz (Community Member)

Kate is a parent to a pupil that has just started in reception and works for the NHS, based at Worcester Royal Hospital.


Mr Scott Tyler (Pupil Member)

Scott is a parent of one of our pupils and works as a helicopter engineer. 


Mrs Sue Palmer (Pupil member)

Sue is a very experienced SENDCo of many years and now works as an Independent Advisor. She used to work as SENDCo at Cranham so knows our children and families well and still visits with Percy Palmer (Our therapy dog).



Mrs Charlotte Barnett (Headteacher)





As an academy, we also have a board of trustees. Details of directors can be found at Governance | The Rivers CofE Multi Academy Trust