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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery
Cranham Primary School Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
Our PTA consists of parents, staff and friends of the school who volunteer their time to raise additional funds for the school through a number of organised events throughout the year.
Over the years the PTA have raised funds for black out blinds in the main hall, new sheds and storage for class rooms and re-developed the key stage 1 playground. The PTA purchased a leavers gift of a book token for Year 6 children and commemorative pins to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.
In order to finance these initiatives, fundraising events take place such as the Summer Fayre, Christmas Fayre, Cinema nights, Halloween disco, cake sales and selling ice creams during the summer months.
If you have any ideas or are able to volunteer your time, the PTA would be delighted to hear from you. To contact the PTA, leave a message in reception.