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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery

Physical Education


To develop and apply the knowledge needed to become confident and competent in a broad range of physical activities that lead to healthy, active lives, as well as embedding the values of fairness and respect.



At Cranham Primary School, we aim to deliver a high-quality P.E curriculum, which develops competence in a broad range of physical activities which will equip pupils with the knowledge, skills and motivation to live a healthy and active life.


The P.E curriculum is carefully planned and structured around the following substantive concepts : Health and wellbeing, Movement, Partnership, Invasion, Competition and Achievement, so that a coherent curriculum is delivered, ensuring children make links with prior learning.


Our curriculum aims to enable pupils to show commitment to PE and Sport in and out of school, understand that PE and Sport are an important part of a healthy, active lifestyle, gain the confidence to become involved in PE and Sport, develop the skills and control that they need to participate, to willingly take part in a broad range of competitive, creative and challenging activities, both as an individual and a team, to develop the desire to improve and achieve in relation to their own abilities, develop strength, stamina and suppleness and to enjoy PE and Sport.