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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery


To develop and apply artistic knowledge and methods to experiment, invent and create their own works of art and think critically about the works of others. 



At Cranham, the intention of our ambitious Art curriculum is to encourage all children to aspire to be artists ready to explore the real world. Our children are encouraged to have the desire to be illustrators, graphic designers or a creative and imaginative artist.


Our children are encouraged to appreciate, interpret and explain how art has changed over time and continues to change today. This is achieved through the study of historical artists and artists right up to the present day. Our children explore how art has changed over time and continues to change.


Our curriculum is purposefully designed by covering, drawing, painting and sculpture. Children are encouraged to be creative and imaginative by developing these skills. Progression of skills is enhanced by revisiting areas of the curriculum throughout the child’s journey in school.


Along with skills, our children are taught a rich vocabulary linked to skills, artistic styles and creativity. We believe that our children are all artists and they are encouraged to take their love of art further and develop it as their chosen career.