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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery


Minutes 2023-2024

Wednesday 22nd May


School council representatives met today. We looked at the responses from the pupil survey that was completed this half term. All children from Year 2 to Year 6 completed this independently and a whole class one for completed for EYFS and Year 1. 


Most children responded very confidently to all questions asked. We discussed some of the responses given and the children's ideas will be shared with Mrs Barnett, our Headteacher. 


The children will share the results of the survey with the children in class by going through them on a PowerPoint. They have a couple of questions to ask the children in the class, this will enable them to seek further clarification on a few on the answers. This will then be discussed in a future meeting with Mrs Young. 

School Council meeting 23rd April 2024


We started our meeting with a celebration of our achievements in the Spring Term.


The children really enjoyed raising money for Comic Relief during our dress up day and comedy event. 


Other successes included:

- Meeting with our CEO so they could share their ideas

- Meeting with our lovely lunch staff to talk about school lunches and then they shared they findings with the rest of the school in an assembly.


We talked about the launch of Evergreen and the children shared their experiences of using their iPad in school so far. 


We decided that we are going to share some online safety tips to help to keep everyone safe when they are using devices at home. We know that our filtering helps to keep us safe in school. The representatives came up with some ideas and we will meet next Tuesday to create posters to share with others. 


Our ideas included:

  • Don't share your personal information online.
  • Be kind online
  • keep your passwords safe
  • Tell a trusted adult if you are unsure of anything. 
  • Beware of scams and think before you click.

The representatives would like to share their ideas in an assembly. SY will speak to CB and organise this.


School council meeting - Wednesday 21st February


All members of school council at lunchtime today. 


Comic Relief


Plans were confirmed for Friday 15th March.


After a collection of ideas, it was decided that we will have wacky hair and accessories as the theme for our non-uniform day. Donations to be sent in or through Parent Pay. Mrs Young to organise this. 

Year 6 to create a Comic Relief poster to attach to the weekly newsletter to inform children. 


'Do something funny for money'

The school council would really like a comedy show during the afternoon. Each class will choose an act to put forward for their class. All children to meet in the school hall after lunch for the show.

This was agreed by Mrs Barnett and will go ahead.


We will have a SDG focus for the day. Mrs Young will organise activities for each class to do in the money and there will be an assembly about Comic Relief on Friday morning.


School lunches


We also thought of questions that we would like to ask the catering staff in our meeting tomorrow.

Mrs Young to type these up and give out in the meeting tomorrow. 

School Council reps will report their findings in an assembly to the school next week. 


- Please see 'NEWS' for our findings! 


School Council Meeting - Tuesday 6th February 


Decision confirmed on fundraising idea for the Dog's Trust


Competition - Design a bandana for Percy… 50 p entry.

Reward is a party with Percy. This has been agreed by Mrs Palmer who works with Percy.

Party at the end of half term.

Design a template and poster for the news letter in a future meeting. 

Due to Comic Relief this will now take place in the Summer Term!


Lunchtime chat with staff - This has been arranged and we are thinking of questions that we would like to ask them. This will take place after half term.


Sustainability goals. - Mrs Young is going to create some more child friendly descriptions of each SGD goal and share with all at the next meeting. 

Running around the track! Can we do it more? Each representative will ask their class teachers for more opportunities to do this! 

School Council meeting - 17th January 2024


Fundraising Ideas for our charity – The Dogs Trust

  • 50p entry to a competition.
  • Design and bandana for him.
  • Cake sale.
  • Dress up as a dog for the day
  • Speaker to come in for free, if possible but ask for donations
  • Percy’s pamper party as a reward for competition.

I will speak to Mrs Barnett about the ideas and see what is possible for this term. I will also speak to Sue Palmer if we would be able to arrange the pamper party with Percy as a reward for the competition.



Are our school lunches healthy? Could they be healthier?

I will set up a meeting with kitchen staff so that the school council can answer this question and share the information that they gather with all children in the school.


We talked about staying active at lunchtimes and most children felt that they had enough opportunities to do this outside but some would like more equipment and other activities such as, building blocks, colouring and reading outside. This will be discussed with Mrs B. 

A meeting with SLT.... It's question time! 11th December 2023