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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery



The school’s leaders and staff have a shared vision for the curriculum and together we strive to provide opportunities to meet the needs of all of our learners. We believe that the best way to prepare our children for the future is to enable them to acquire knowledge whilst developing skills and understanding.


At Cranham Primary School, Reading, English and  Mathematics are taught daily.  History, Geography, Science, Computing, Religious Education, Languages (KS2), PSHE, PE, Music, Art and Design Technology are timetabled regularly. 


The curriculum for our foundation subjects is designed to ensure that learning is sequenced, building substantive knowledge and disciplinary knowledge over time, both within each year group and across the whole school. It builds on prior knowledge and makes connections between new and previous learning through substantive concepts. Developing these strands of learning ensures that there are many opportunities for the children to practise and apply their knowledge in a range of contexts so that they can know more and remember more, embedding it into long-term memory. 


We expose our children to wider, fulfilling life experiences through our curriculum and enrichment opportunities. This includes clubs, residential trips, ‘Business with Barnett’ and MAT events such as River Fest. Throughout their time in school, children develop their knowledge and experience of a wide range of careers opportunities linked to different aspects of the curriculum. This wider curriculum broadens our children’s experiences, builds confidence and resilience and encourages our children to consider broader horizons.  


Why are careers a driver for our curriculum?


Career related learning in primary school is about helping children to understand who they can become and helping them to develop a healthy sense of self that will enable them to reach their full potential. 


At Cranham, we aim to raise aspirations of all children, so that they can learn skills for life and be prepared for life after school.


We inspire children and connect them to the the world of work by:

  • increasing the children's awareness of careers and the world of work.
  • increasing the children's understanding of specific subjects and how they link to careers and jobs.
  • exposing them to people who do a wide range of jobs through our 'Business with Barnett' assemblies. 

Spring Term - What are we up to?

What did we do last term?

Please have a look at your year group newsletters for more information about this half term. These can be found on the class pages.