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Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery


‘A high-quality mathematics education provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.'

(National Curriculum - POS)


At Cranham, we believe that the maths our children learn should be real and purposeful to them and their lives. We will ensure that our children have access to a high-quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable, and enables them to become confident mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks. In order to build the firm foundations on which to build future learning, our curriculum is sequenced into small steps and has a strong focus on number and fluency (of recall and procedures), but problem solving and reasoning is built into every lesson so that the learning can be real and connected.



We have adopted a mastery approach to maths teaching, where the belief is that all children can achieve in maths. Quality first teaching is vital. Sequences of lessons are planned using the White Rose schemes of learning, though there is still flexibility for teachers to use their professional judgement regarding sequence length and time for each of the small steps, depending on their class’s needs, ‘lingering longer’ when required. Part of our approach is the use of CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract). New concepts are introduced with concrete materials and manipulatives, so all children can see ‘the maths’. This is then built on by using pictorial representations (such as bar models) which the children can use to reason and solve problems. When they are ready, the children then move to the abstract, recording their maths using symbols with confidence. This helps our children build a deeper understanding of why the maths works and supports their retention.


As each lesson develops, teachers and teaching assistants continually assess the learning, in order to challenge those who may grasp it more quickly (through our Deepen It activities) and support those who find the concept more difficult to grasp. Daily lessons are supplemented by regular fluency sessions that designed to reinforce and provide regular practice in the basic skills.



The success of the curriculum can be measured by how successfully children use. apply and retain the knowledge and skills that they have been taught. It is also measured by children’s engagement in lessons and their attitude towards maths. We use many forms of monitoring. Leaders complete books looks and pupil voice interviews at different points throughout the year. Daily formative assessment (within lessons) and longer-term summative assessments are used to continually monitor where children are in their learning and teacher assessment judgements are tracked through the use of Scholar Pack. We use topic assessments from White Rose, as well as their end of term tests, which relate to the curriculum content taught. The SAT results in years 2 and 6 are tracked and evaluated in order to ensure that future learning is relevant to the children involved. Pupil voice surveys are also undertaken. The biggest measure of impact is, however, our children’s attitudes to maths and the confidence with which they undertake their daily lessons.