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Cranham Primary School home

Cranham Primary School and Cranberries Nursery

New Intake 2024

Welcome to Cranham Primary School


Thank you for taking the time to look at our school website! 


A very warm welcome to all the families who have been offered a place for their child in Reception starting September 2024. 


We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Cranham family. 


Dates for your diary:


There is a EYFS transition meeting for all new reception parents on Wednesday 19th June at 5:30pm. This will take place in our school hall so please come through the main entrance. You will have an opportunity to meet the staff and see the classrooms and learning environments. The meeting will last about an hour and you will be able to ask any questions that you have and book a home visit.


For children who are new to our school (those not in our nursery) we have stay and play sessions on: Thursday 27th June at 3:30pm - 4:30pm 

Thursday 11th July at 3:30pm - 4:30 pm

Please refer to the letter that you have received for further information. 


For those children in our nursery, stay and play sessions will be attended by your children during the school day.





Are you looking for a school place for September 2025?


Every day is an open day!


You can contact our school office on 01905 452437 to book your visit.

Our school was opened in 1968 and is accommodated in a spacious building within a pleasant site which has extensive playing fields. We have carried out significant building work and refurbishment to give our community a school to be proud of.


Our dedicated staff team work hard to deliver a creative, inspiring curriculum that engages our wonderful learners to help them reach their true potential.

We strive to foster a warm and welcoming environment at Cranham which allows our pupils to feel safe, secure and prepared to take risks in their learning.

As a result of this the behaviour of pupils at Cranham is excellent, they are always smiling and they love coming to school.